Philippians 3:10 - That I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection...

About Us

Welcome to the Herrons’ home. We are glad that you are here. As you consider the
motif of the heron bird, you will understand that this is our nest. We have divided our NEST into
four main categories:


Through our many travels and speaking opportunities, we have felt the need to make the
materials available. Our desire is to give help to others in their pursuit of Jesus Christ. We also
pray that the generations following, including our own children and grandchildren, will find the
content of our hearts and home through this NEST.

My wife, Tami, and I surrendered our lives and chose to follow our Savior in our early 20s. John
15:16, which says, “Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord
doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made
known unto you” is a promise that has proved to be true to us. We are thankful and glad that
we made this commitment: “No regrets. No reserves. No retreats.” (William Borden) Our desire
is to help and give hope to those who so desires in their pursuit of the Lord Jesus.

Philippians 3:10 states our goal to “know him, and the power of his resurrection, and the
fellowship of his sufferings, being made conformable unto his death.” If we can be of any further
help to you and your pursuit of the Lord, please let us know.

Personal Bio

Dr. Marty Herron was a graduate of Bob Jones University and of the Camp Director’s
Institute of THE WILDS. He spent several years traveling throughout the United States
with a revival team before accepting the position of Camp Director of Northland Camp
and Conference Center in 1982. In 1986 he also assumed the role of Dean of Students
at Northland Baptist Bible College and functioned in both capacities. Dr. Herron was
named Vice President of Student Affairs in 1996. Along with his administrative duties in
the College and the Camp, Dr. Herron taught some courses in the College, specializing
in counseling, camp administration, and management.

In July 2000, the Lord called Dr. and Mrs. Herron and their family to Guam as the Senior
Pastor of Harvest Baptist Church and Harvest Ministries. Harvest is a multi-faceted
ministry in a poly-cultural island in the Pacific. Some of the outreaches include Harvest
Baptist Bible College, training 75 Micronesian islanders; Harvest Christian Academy
with more than 1,000 students from over 14 nationalities in K3 through twelfth grade;
KHMG, Harvest Family Radio, a local Christian radio station at 88.1FM; Harvest House,
a ministry to orphans through the foster care system on Guam; and Harvest Missions
Oceana, a missions co-op for missionary Gospel work.

In October of 2018, the Herrons embarked on their third ministry. God called Dr. and
Mrs. Marty Herron to Faith Baptist Bible College and Theological Seminary in Ankeny,
IA. Faith is an accredited, educational Institution and has been preparing people for full
time ministry and service for over 100 years. They are taking the Word to the World. Dr.
Herron serves as the Executive Vice President for the College and Seminary. The
burden of this move has been to help train ministers to go out into full time ministry
internationally. The byproduct of this is their availability for speaking in camps, missions
conferences, and family seminars in the local church.

Dr. Herron and Tami have been happily married since 1979 with four grown, married
children and sixteen grandchildren with four more in Heaven.

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